Orillium Readathon, Wrapup

Star Whisperer: Magical Readathon Spring Wrapup

My progress for Orillium’s Spring semester was less than last year, but it was exactly what I was expecting considering I reduced my course load a little bit by changing careers. I switched from Dream Walker, which was around eight books for spring and several more for fall, and moved to Star Whisperer. There were only six books for it. And for fall the schedule will be less taxing as well. This is what I need as August is always a hard time for me to read. Summer seasonal affective disorder, it gets so hot here that I have a hard time getting work done.

So here is what I actually read to complete the career

Art of Illusion (Matching Outfit to the Book Cover)

This is one of the few books I actually stuck with the prompt I set in my TBR. The book was very good and you’ll be getting a review soon. However, I think I waited too long from reading the first book to read the second one, and I think this would hit better if I re-read the first one again and then read this book right after.

Amazon: Soul of the Deep

Astronomy-2 E’s in the Title

The original book for this prompt was Under the Whispering Door, however, that got put down after about a chapter, I couldn’t stand the writing style at all and instead picked up The Cat Who Saved Books

This was a great short little read translated from Japanese about a high schooler taking over his grandfather’s used book store after his grandfather dies. In his grief, he gets contacted by a mysterious talking cat named Tiger the Tabby, and is roped into rescuing books from different people who are mistreating them.

Amazon: The Cat Who Saved Book

Inscription- Glyph-Flight

This was originally going to be Lord of the Rings, but April did not work out like that. And this ended up being the Sailor Moon Eternal manga which I was really happy with because I haven’t read it in a while and I’m happy to get back into it since I’m watching Sailor Moon Crystal at the same time.

Amazon: Sailor Moon Eternal

Lore- The Legend of Dia- A Book with a Map Strike the Zither

This book was perfect, far and above my favorite read for Orillum I’ve already reviewed how much I love it. Great historical fantasy with very tight writing, five stars you can find my review here.

Psionics and Divination Cloud Study 101 Books with clouds on the cover or title Skyward Volume 1

This was just a cute little comic I had fun reading and am hoping to catch the next volume soon.

I think I did a good job with the Star Whisperer career, it was just what I needed book wise I was able to keep up but not be overwhelmed. I’m looking forward to Orilium again in the fall.

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